Gathering of Wellness Powwow & Health Fair
All are welcome to attend. Please join us on September 19th, 2024, from 9 AM – 2:30 PM at Coulee Medical Center.
Coulee Medical Center serves the greater Grand Coulee Dam area, including the Colville Indian Reservation. Approximately 1/3rd of Coulee Medical Center’s patients are American Indian. Coulee Medical Center’s Board of Commissioners and Coulee Medical Center staff recognize the need to not only become aware of but also embrace the cultural needs of our community.
On 9/19/2024, Coulee Medical Center will hold our 5th Gathering of Wellness Powwow and Health Fair with Grand Entry starting at 10 AM. We are excited to host this event as we continue our journey towards bridging the cultural gap in the healthcare field.

Event Full Schedule 9 AM - 2:30 PM

iʔ sy̓ʕaʔ x̌l sxʷl̓xʷal̓tət
(We gather for our wellness: Nsəlxcin- Okanogan/Colville)
Competition Categories
Tiny Tots
Jr. Girls/Boys
Teen Girls/Boys
Adult Women/Men
Golden Age Women/Men
The first 5 Drum Groups will be paid.
Sponsorship and Vendor Forms
For powwow or vendor questions, please contact our Powwow Committee at:
(509) 633-6341 or email
Alcohol, drugs, and weapons are not permitted on or near powwow grounds.
Coulee Medical Center and the Board of Commissioners are not responsible for theft, accidents, or injuries. Coulee Medical Center and the Board of Commissioners would like to thank all powwow sponsors, grant donors, and donations that have made our powwow and health fair possible.