Access to Care Policy
Coulee Medical Center (CMC) is an integrated health system that includes two family practice clinics and one hospital: Coulee Family Medicine, Coulee City Clinic, and Coulee Medical Center. Through various delivery methods our clinics and hospital provide guidance to our healthcare professionals concerning admissions, nondiscrimination, end of life care and reproductive healthcare.
The purpose of this policy is to provide our patients with a clear summary of the commitments and expectations in these subject areas.

Admission Policy
CMC admits patients to the hospital as in-patients when the patient’s diagnosis warrants admission, based on medical decision-making and the orders of a provider.
- When CMC does not have an appropriate in-patient bed available, we will work with area hospitals as needed, to transfer the patient to an in-patient facility with capacity.
- When CMC lacks the expertise required to treat the medical condition, we will work with area hospital as needed, to transfer the patient to an appropriate facility.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Coulee Medical Center is committed to ensuring that our patients and visitors are treated with a non-discriminant and equitable manner, and with the respect and dignity that promotes and protects patient rights and is consistent with applicable state and federal law.
- CMC staff will treat all patients and visitors receiving services from or participating in other programs of CMC and its affiliated clinics with equality in a welcoming manner that is free from discrimination based on age, race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran or military status, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law.
- CMC staff will make reasonable accommodations for patients consistent with federal and state requirements.
- CMC staff will afford visitation rights to patients free from discrimination based on age, race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran or military status, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state or local law and will ensure that visitors receive equal visitation privileges consistent with patient preferences.
- Any person who believes that they or another person has been subjected to discrimination may file a complaint using CMC’s complaint and grievance procedure.
- CMC staff are prohibited from retaliating against any person who opposes, complains about, or reports discrimination, files a complaint, or cooperates in an investigation of discrimination or other proceeding under federal, state, or local antidiscrimination law.
Reproductive Healthcare Services Form
As an integrated health system, the two clinics and the hospital work together to provide access to female and male reproductive healthcare services to meet a patient’s clinical needs and a patient’s choice, although not every procedure is available.
- Through the family practices clinics, patients have access to an array of preventative healthcare services including forms of contraception prevention, and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
- CMC provides pre-natal care services with planned deliveries.
- In the emergency room of CMC we offer plan “B” while actively referring patients to providers.
Note: CMC permits their healthcare professionals to opt-out of participating in services that violate their conscience or values. In such circumstances, the hospital will arrange for other healthcare professionals to deliver the care for the patient.
End of Life Care Policy
CMC will honor patient choice in end of life decisions.
- We will talk with our patients and their family about advance directives that guide the healthcare team on your wishes for medical care. If a patient does not have an advance directive, we will provide them with information on how to do so.
- We will provide our patients with information on their rights to accept or refuse medical care and any limitation in our ability to implement their wishes.
- CMC provides the full range of comfort and palliative care for the end of life.
- CMC complies with the state law known as the Death with Dignity Act.