Advance Care Planning
Thinking about the care and treatment you might want when you’re unable to make your own healthcare decisions can be challenging. Unexpected situations, such as an accident or a severe illness, could leave you unable to communicate your treatment preferences.
In such cases, it’s important to ensure that the decisions made align with your values and wishes. You can plan ahead and clearly define the medical treatments you prefer.

Washington State follows a surrogate decision-making hierarchy if you are unable to make your own health care decisions. The order of who will decide is:
• Guardian – appointed by court of law
• Named Health Care Agent – appointed by you and documented in advanced directive
• Spouse or registered domestic partner (even if separated)
• Adult Children *
• Parents *
• Adult Siblings *
• Adult Grandchildren *
• Adult Nieces & Nephews *
• Adult Aunts & Uncles *
• A close friend who meets certain criteria
Any group with * that has more than one person: all in the group must agree to the care
Advance care planning is for all adults age 18 and older. It is talking about the future health care decisions if you had a sudden event, like a serious accident or illness and could not make your own decisions.
Helps you to appoint a Health Care Agent.
It is important to write down your goals, values and preferences on a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care form and/or a Health Care Directive.
These documents should be updated regularly and shared with your health care providers and loved ones.
Advance care planning is about having the conversation.
• Think about your values and wishes.
• Consider future health care decisions that may need to be made on your behalf.
• Talk about choices with your loved ones and your doctor.
• Make a written plan designating your Health Care Agent.
You should review your plans and choices whenever any of the 5 D’s occur:
- Decade
- Death of a loved one
- Divorce
- Diagnosis
- Decline in your health
A Health Care Directive is a form that lets you say what kind of medical treatments you do or do not want if you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious and cannot make decisions for yourself. A Health Care Directive also lets you write down your health care values.
For more information and fillable forms visit:
A power of attorney form lets you choose a trusted friend or relative to help you with your finances and/or health care decisions. After you sign it, the person you choose will take the power of attorney to your medical providers, bank, school, and other places to make decisions and sign contracts just as if they were you.
The trusted friend or relative you choose to help you with your finances and/or health care decisions is called your “agent.”
A power of attorney is “durable” if it says that your agent can use it even if you become sick or injured and cannot make decisions for yourself.
For more information and fillable forms visit:
Our Vision
To be an organization where all people are equal and where the complete well-being of those we serve is our ultimate objective.
Our Mission
To inspire excellence, as we care for our patients, honor our profession and serve our community.
We serve with integrity by doing what is right, regardless of the difficulty encountered.
We offer comfort and security to our patients, families and community by providing hope through heartfelt concern.
We respect all cultures, beliefs and opinions. We uphold a positive attitude of respect and courtesy.
We strive to be life-long seekers of wisdom and clinical expertise to ensure our patients receive the highest quality of care. We encourage and support education and the professional growth of staff.
We practice the art of professionalism that embodies appearance, action, communication, competence and respect.
Financial Viability
We strive for balance in providing efficient, innovative, quality care by being responsible stewards of our resources.