Rural Intergrated Training Experience (WRITE)
Coulee Medical Center is proud to work with our partners to help develop the next generation of medical providers who are qualified to meet the growing demand for quality rural medicine and healthcare.
The University of Washington has selected Coulee Medical Center as a teaching facility for third-year medical students who are interested in rural practice. As part of the WWAMI Rural Integrated Training Experience (WRITE), medical students from the University of Washington School of Medicine can complete a 20-week clerkship experience at CMC. During their time at our facility, the medical students receive hands-on training in rural family medicine under the guidance of CMC’s own Dr. Andrew Castrodale.

The clinic serves a large, culturally diverse population base. The facility is part of the newly, constructed medical center and is staffed by four full-time family physicians, one general surgeon, one OB/Gyn, four ARNPs, and one PA-C. The clinic staff conducts weekly visits to the Indian Health Clinic in Nespelem.
Visiting specialists offer regularly scheduled hours in the Coulee Family Medicine Clinic. CMC has received high praise from Rural/Underserved Opportunities Program students, as well as the Family Medicine Residents and ARNP students who are hosted by the clinic. CMC is enthusiastic about rural medical education and encourages students to pursue primary care, which offers the most variety and challenge. CMC also precepts RUOP (Rural Underserved Opportunity Program), TRUST (Targeted Rural Underserved Track), and Family Medicine clerkship students.